Lugnet Stockholm

Lugnet industrial area; some cars.

Lugnet was an industrial area and in Södra hammarbyhamnen in southern part of Stockholm. An anthropologist who had made a field study in the area, described it as a shanty town where people worked and lived. Although it was in many senses an unique area (from a Swedish perspective) very little is written about the place. During the 1990’s, before it was erased, Lugnet was in decay and became a churchyard


Urban Sprawl 1

  Passed this unexploited field in Sollentuna, close to Djupdalsvägen, today. Behind the roundabout and the gas station, the residential area of Häggvik is visible. View of the field to the south. In the background a four storey office building. Two people are crossing the field. .  

Dhaka downtown mega city

Urbanisering och megastäder

På 1800 talet bodde endast 3% av jordens befolkning i städer. Vid sekelskiftet var förhållandet ca 47%. Runt år 1950 fanns det 83 städer med över 1 miljon invånare, år 2007 fanns det 468 sådana städer. Om utvecklingen fortsätter i den takten kommer jordens stadsbefolkning att dubbleras var 38:e år. FN s prognos är att dagens stadsbefolkning på 3,8 miljarder människor kommer att vara 5 miljarder år 2030 då 3/5